Thursday, February 5, 2009

Week Three: (3) Dissecting Doritos' Beer Chip Commercial

3. Doritos' New Beer Flavor Commercial-

-Shot One: establishing shot of man presenting in front of a white board
Establishes him as the speaker

-Shot Two: 4 shot over the shoulder of audience as he presents the thinking behind his new Doritos flavor
Shows the audience and the speaker's physical relationship and office surroundings

-Shot Three: medium shot of man presenting at the white board
Focuses viewer's attention to writing/pictures on the board- “Doritos new flavor beverage”

-Shot Four: 3 shot medium of audience members
Attention is drawn to the audiences first reaction to presenter- woman smiling, two men smirking

-Shot Five: medium shot of man presenting at the white board
Accelerated gestures of speaker become apparent as he gets excited, generates excitement in the viewer

-Shot Six: close up shot of presenter holding Doritos bag
Highlights product – Doritos Beer flavor

-Shot Seven: 3 shot medium of audience members
Shows their change in reaction to speaker- looks of awkwardness become humorous to viewer

-Shot Eight: 4 shot over the shoulder of audience
See audience shifting

-Shot Nine: close up shot of presenter eating chips
Eating fast, viewers anticipate what upcoming audience reaction shot will look like

-Shot Ten: 3 shot of audience
Members are confused and grossed out by presenter's fast, incessant eating

-Shot Eleven: medium shot of presenter
Shows product again and man's continued eating

-Shot Twelve: close up shot of one male audience member
First time audience speaks, man's facial features highlighted when he says, “truly a horrible idea”, seriousness of man adds to humor

-Shot Thirteen: 3 shot over the shoulder of audience, presenter and two audience members
Presenter, now drunk from beer chips and in his underwear, becoming focal point of the humorous shot

-Shot Fourteen: close up shot of product
Product placement

-Shot Fifteen: product slogan shot
“eat responsibly” slogan with a loud snoring sound in the background

-Shot Sixteen: 2 shot close up of presenter on male audience member's shoulder
Highlights effectiveness of new beer chips, closes commercial with humor


  1. Your post is pretty detailed, but Jen, didn't Cassie teach you anything? You gotta embed that video!

    (Okay, so maybe I only go to your blog to make fun of you.)

  2. Yeah, Yeah, Yeah... you called me out. I got the Doritos in there, but the Family Guy section wouldn't go... Thanks for keeping me on my toes!

  3. Check out Henry Makow's , "A long way to go for a Date". Google Henry Makow.
